Creating music video VFX

Hi! I recently saw your “How to Create Realistic CG Glass” tutorial and, first of all, i want to congratulate you, guys, for your amazing work. Second, i’d like to request a tutorial if there’s not a problem. I would like to know hot to create the effect of the second 0:23 of this video:

I’m talking about this one specifically:

It looks like some struded 3D HUD mask interface and i want to learn how to do it. Thank you in advance. Greetings!.

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Hi Santiago!

Thanks for the request, I think we will have a tutorial featuring a 3D HUD coming out in the near future :shushing_face:. In the meantime, I can tell you in my experience the most important thing for these shots is getting a good track right in the middle of the face to attach your HUD design to.

@Caleb does cover some techniques to achieve a similar effect in a live stream we did with Boris FX a few weeks ago. Maybe you can extract some good info from that that will help you achieve your effect: