New to VFX and excited to learn


My name is James and I am in London. I have been working as a photographer/videographer for over 10 years now.

A friend of mine and I have been working on a set of stories for his sons school to try and raise some money for he PTA. The tests we have done have gone down really well so we have been wanting to up our production values.

We used a lot of after effects but were limited by budget and what we could find for our VFX.

This is when I found Blender. I have been trying to learn the program and its very exciting to think you could potentially make and animate anything! The only limitation is your skills.

The next outing for our hero’s will involve drones so I have been working on modelling them.

Where I am struggling is integrating them into our real life footage. Some examples below.

And that’s why i am here. To learn as much as I can! Already seen some amazing stuff!



Hey James! Welcome to the forum!

Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF

Thanks for sharing your work with us! You seem excited to learn, and I hope this forum can help you do just that. If you ever need help with anything, or feedback on any work you’ve done, be sure to let us know!

Welcome, James!

Anything you’re stuck with on blender? We seem to be the only two who use blender, so it’s me or Google!

Haha thanks mate!

I am trying to work out particles at the moment.

With this drone project I really want it to be able to hit the floor and disrupt the particles “or the dirt”. I can’t get them to just sit on a plane though.

You can do them as a hair particle but I really want them to move when something hits them.

Does that make any sense??

Yes, I see. Next time I’m on blender I’ll try that!

Also, I had an idea! You could take a photo of your ceiling, crop it square and slap it on your debris particles and there you go! Textured debris