Person or zombie Forest Fires or fire tracking

i am new to action vfx footage
i see the Forest Fires footage can that be tracked in hitfilm ? for lets say a zombie or person walking
and on fire ? I tryed and the footage stays in one place zombie keeps walking

thank you from your time

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If the zombie is walking you’d track the zombie (or parts of them) and apply that motion to the fire element(s). The forest fire elements are supposed to be for burning trees though. You’d probably be better with one of the other fire collections for a burning zombie.
I don’t know how you track in hitfilm though.

For a zombie/person on fire there’s also a new collection coming on 21st Nov called “body fire” that might be good for that:

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Yes, we’re releasing Body Fires on the 21st, and that collection will be perfect for what you’re describing!

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