Downloading Subscriber Collections

Hi there! I apologize in advance for the rookie question (I’m sure I’m missing something) is there a better way to download the subscriber collections? All I can see is having to click on each element individually, which is kind of cumbersome.

There should be a tab on to that you download the whole collection.

Hey @Mr_B_Nada, are you talking about the Free for Subscribers collections? The assets in these collections have to be downloaded individually.

Right on; thanks for the clarification.

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I would like to ask about the monthly subscriptions. Are they off? For example, I used to subscribing monthly and cancel afterwards, since I was using the Action vfx subscription only when a project came up and I needed specific elements. I don’t want to pay for an annual fee, without using the elements in regular basis. I just pay whenever a project presents and I need specific footage.